Georgia Brace & Spine

"We've got your Back"



GBS provides more than industry leading orthotic products.  Our certified orthotists and fitters are Georgia licensed orthotic professionals.  They are trained to ensure that the physician’s orthosis prescription is filled with the proper brace fitted to the individual patient’s specifications.  To achieve a proper fit and provide patient   comfort, Georgia Brace and Spine professional staff will follow a rigorous and   documented fitting process which includes obtaining pre-fit measurements, brace adjustments at time of provision, patient training on proper use and delivery of emergency contact information.  When completed, our process ensures proper fit and optimum brace impact.


· 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year availability

· Quality control process to ensure complete patient satisfaction

· Brace solutions for the entire body

· Spinal bracing specialists

· Professional measurement, adjustment, fitting, patient training and support

Ask Us Any Questions For More Information About The Services We Offer